Friday, December 25, 2009

Life Has Always Been - Complacence

You may ask any children what their ambition will be and their typical answer is to be a doctor. Why, you may want to know. The answer is simple – “I want to help sick people!”

The simple truth is that somehow everyone will get sick and has to consult a doctor. A child will revere a doctor because like Mary Popping, a child is made to get well with those pills and liquid.

No parent will take the child when visiting a lawyer, accountant or architect for the matter because there is no reason for a child to tag along. Wanting to help another is the virtuous primordial feeling any child is blessed with. And that is compassion! However, sad to say that in the process of growing up, children are exposed to everything that evil has made its claim on.

Some grow up to be God fearing but some grow horns on their foreheads.

In our country, people work hard and pay their taxes, even though endless. It is with a hope that such taxes can be intelligently ploughed back to sustain the economy and with the manageable cost of living to take the burden off the wage earners shoulders. But, it turns out not only otherwise but also chaotic through wanton mismanagement. This is where the government has failed us to the core.

It is like rubbing salt to the wounds where a new breed of the “dreaded species” that is rich, powerful and politically well-connected are sprouting at every corner. They robbed, stole and killed and could get away with it, yet nobody could stop them. Such plundering is beyond words and comprehension so to speak. By insinuating that nothing can stop them is downright paranoid.

People work hard, play by the rules but when they need help, “they” give you the rope to hang yourself. Uncountable smart students are deprived of their tertiary education and their parents are left in the lurch because they don’t have the financial means. On the other hand, those who are not qualified are fed with privileges down their throats. This is where the people should wake up and know where they stand.

People have to be in such predicament because they allow it to happen. Politicians voted in to run the country are all fine actors especially when it comes to breaking the law. They have all the money to make simple-minded people go away or dirty work fixers can make people disappear for good. They have the law on their side and they seem untouchable. This social malady is spreading like cancerous cells and can only be stopped when the people are ready to make the change. It is the people’s power that matters most but not rhetoric.

All law-abiding citizens are patriotic without having to stand below the “Jalur Gemilang” and sing the national anthem. In their hearts lay the love for the country that counts. In our country selective arrest prevails even singing the national anthem in a peaceful gathering. To be unpatriotic, one is deemed to be a traitor to the country but to be patriotic one has a price to pay as well. How are we to be true Malaysians when we have Hobson’s choice but to hold on a double-edged knife?

Have the people seen, heard or learnt enough to get out from their comfort zone to stand up and be counted for the change? It is your prerogative because it is – you are what you eat syndrome laced with complacence. So, don’t ever utter any complaint but to accept what you want and allow it to happen.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year my fellow Malaysians. God Bless!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Have We Learnt Enough?

It is not difficult to understand Malaysian politics, how it works, swaying with the people’s sentiment and making promises that are half empty most of the time.

In politics, power and money are the influencing factors and to be able to hold on tenaciously is the political clout that has been the norm of the ruling elites.

The complacent citizens insinuating that they are in good hands from the fair and just governance for the past five decades are actually paranoid. Whether we agree or otherwise, the two-party system for check and balance is ideal for Malaysia with a multi-racial make-up.

Waiting for the trees and wind to speak to us will not generate political awareness instead we have to make ourselves available by attending forums and political functions for the updates.

This is how we can use cues and the information that hold the general value orientations into support for the particular policies. This is best measured for political awareness in which many of us are still lacking. Such civic activity is definitely positive which purveys political awareness which is in a dire need.

To be able to arrive at a sound decision, people cannot be ignorant about the details of politics otherwise opinions will appear to be constrained by ideas. The willingness to get out of the comfort zone should prevail because without it, we will become the less aware voters who have disengaged from politics.

Which political party deserves our votes and which politician to support in order to realize what we expect of is imperative.

The man who wears a watch know the time, wears two is unsure. We have to be sure and use our prerogative to exercise that right otherwise we can blame no one else but ourselves.

The Barisan government had lost its firm grip to divide and rule since the last general election. Thanks to the previous prime minister for his ineptness. Like Pakatan Rakyat which had lost the state of Perak, the present prime minister has a task not to lose the federal government to the waiting Pakatan Rakyat to take over the federal government.

The game in the present political chessboard depends on the pawns for the checkmate. The people are the pawns – people’s power, kuasa rakyat or makkal sakti (call what you like) should be aligned for the coup de grace.

Seeing how injustice is practiced, my angry impulse was to stand in front of the firing line. But who cares if one life is lost when one after another the Indians had suffered the same fate and the screams for justice fell on deaf ears?

The greatest stumbling block lies in the different perspectives among the various NGOs and the people from the various communities.

Why the existing NGOs still draw a visible boundary to whom and why they should come in to support? Why can’t they be “there” to share the common objective – the objective that is to cut through racial line? Generally speaking, they are not ready except for their rhetorics!

As if it is not enough, the new political party Makkal Sakti emerged to champion the Indians right. Don’t we have enough of racism and political greed to witness the additional disguise?

The Chinese are perceived to be king of the economy who cared two hoots about what are happening politically, the Malays akin to civil service and the Indians are resigned as Bandar Raya workers. How pathetic it could be but sad to say that this is the general tone.

Until and unless Malaysians from different political parties and NGOs can tune to the same frequency of how they want Malaysia to be, then lets shut up and support IMalaysia!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Four-Angle Beans

The Malaysian coffee shops or commonly known as “kopi tiam” have a unique feature which is a “parliament” for Tom, Dick and Harry to congregate. This is the place where coffee shop “philosophers”, “theorists” and “propagandists” are aplenty. They spin a yarn over a cup of coffee on the latest issues in the country.

Their abilities to argue and debate would put any top-notch politicians to shame. But, deep inside the “know-all” image, they have shrunken testicles so to speak, yet they speak like the puffs of a chicken arse. Some are rhetorically convincing by shooting their mouths like stray bullets yet not knowing one’s arse from one’s elbow. This special breed of Chinese is molded specifically for such congregation to speculate, is like the four-angle beans.

Before going to the Figures of Speech what the four-angle beans is about, lets take a peek into the Chinese mentality and their conceptual thinking related to their lives that have made them sustainable and how they weather the storm in any eventuality.

On the whole, the Chinese abilities derive from their excellent sense of economy which has become their winning edge for centuries. But by having a good sense of the economy, it does not guarantee their perennial survival without the earnest cooperation to harness with the belief of their economic prowess.

The physiological needs of food, shelter, clothing and education have embedded in the Chinese minds leaving cooperation to take the sideline. Any Chinese would expostulate till the cows come home that they are cooperative. Indeed they are cooperative unless they have advantages from such cooperation.

Since such attitude has unfolded itself to be read like an open book by other races, the Chinese on the whole has exposed their weaknesses to be manipulated. Division in their community network could be a cinch by surreptitious move to pit a new leader against the incumbent, and everything is history. This is obvious in the MCA (Malaysian Chinese Association) after Tun Tan Cheng Lock.

Authority is status, and status generates the opportunity for embezzlement. Greed, Power and Wealth are the ingredients that make a perfect dish to harvest avarice. No one in the sane mind will reject it, will they?

However, there are those who will turn away from such unscrupulousness, but who and where are they? They are the minority who care for others above self!

They are the Chinese who will mobilize themselves to seek for the truth and support any good cause - come what may. This new generation of Chinese is still far too slow to react and with much hesitant because of uncertainty.

The emergence of Bersih to seek for a clean and fair election, the Chinese could be counted in the mammoth crowd, even much lesser than the Indians by miles apart.

The birth of Hindraf to protest against marginalization, where were the Chinese? Chinese are marginalized too, but the impact was not that great compared to the Indians. The Chinese were there, but a mere handful of miserable numbers.

The Human Rights Walk and the Anti-ISA vigil saw more Chinese participating because their presence were inevitable but not of choice.

However, the condemnations of injustice filled the air of the coffee shops. Their acceptance of premature defeat for Bersih and Hindraf was submissive because nothing could be done, they said, against the might of the ruling government.

No one was calling for civil war and no one screamed for racial riot, but the cry for JUSTICE was loud and clear!

It is a crying shame wanting to share a piece of the country’s economic cake yet the Chinese remained redundant by refusing to stand up and be counted. So, what is the rationale behind the Chinese reluctance to participate in the cry for justice? They are precisely synonymous to the four-angle beans.

1. “Kiasu”(Hokkien) “Keanshe”(Cantonese) “Khongsu” (Hakka)
Literal meaning : afraid to lose out to others.
Figurative meaning : wanting more than the others.

2. “Kiasea” (Hokkien) “Keansei” (Cantonese) “Khongsea” (Hakka)
Literal meaning : afraid to die.
Fugurative meaning: no courage.

3. “Maisu” (Hokkien) “Moishe” (Cantonese) “Um moisu” (Hakka)
Literal meaning : unsporting/un-gentleman.
Figurative meaning : to keep hanging on unashamedly.

4. “Maisea” (Hokkien) “Moisea” (Cantonese) “Um moisea” (Hakka)
Literal meaning : refusal to die.
Figurative meaning : full of pride.

But when it comes to a critical situation, the Chinese will still wait and see. If they have to show support, they will stand behind the crowd so in case of eventuality, they will be the in the safe zone to take to their heels with their tails between their legs.

So, when they return to the coffee shop, they will definitely make a mountain out of a molehill. They will claim credits for their participations. Their animations of the battle cry will bring shudder to fill the air; their gesticulations with kung-fu stances will give Jacky Chan a run for his money, and their imaginary heroic achievements will be the talk of the town.

But deep inside their systems, they still have the traits of the four-angle beans – Kiasu, Kiasea, Maisu, Maisea.

The Chinese are money-loving people and many will care two hoots about politics. This is the smokescreen on display that they are peace-loving and prefer to mind their own business. The other ethnic Malaysians are peace loving too, but at least they will stand up and be counted when the needs arise.

Discipline is the key note. When Chinese can discipline the way they think then cooperation will surface.

For instance, their tardiness at formal functions has a story to tell. The threshold for cooperation should start from their discipline of tardiness in order to educate themselves the way how they should think, so that they could redeem their rightful place to be a member of the caring society.

To those Chinese who not only care for themselves but also for other Malaysians irrespective of colours, creeds and religions, I salute you sir, for you have given me hope and respect, to be and feel like a Chinese.

So, whenever I turn to my left or right, I could lift my head high to my Malays, Indians and other ethnic friends and proudly exclaim, “We are one!”

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Freedom In Fetters

In the context of democracy, the citizens must be protected at all costs as what are defined in the book of law. The government that is voted by the people is expected to deliver fairly otherwise it will end up with parodies.

Malaysia has a mélange of different cultures and such make-up is not unique anymore where for fifty over years, the people are still not been harnessed by sheer tolerance and respect. The fragility of such composition has blatantly scuppered by irresponsible leaders in the government when the decay is not duly addressed.

The country is reaping what has been sowed! What has 2009 brought us despite we still have three more months before 2010?

The government has failed to bring unity to the country and the cohesiveness between the government and the people has ultimately widened.

Blame not the people who had voted for the Opposition in the last general election. Blame not when the people despise the hypocrisy of the present government. And blame not the people who took to the street.

The government has taken jaundiced views on any events which it deems a threat. This is the general perception of the public on the whole where the dragging of feet has become a norm in the government to address any pressing issues faced by the people.

By keeping ISA to silence the dissenters is a draconian act and it is injustice done to all Malaysians as well. The pro-ISA boring and endless litany of praises for the government who is so much depended on ISA as a tool to govern will make any one purge with disgusts.

Any government who acts on fear rather than rationale, the reverence for a prime minister will ultimately sizzle and come to naught.

Religious bigots are attempting to denude the rights of one’s religion as enshrined in our constitutions, and they could go scot-free of seditions and intimidations. For too long, the Barisan controlled media have promulgated the intolerance of religion to PAS. In fact, it is UMNO to be blamed!

For the past years, Malaysians saw the wanton demolition of Indian temples; the insensitive objection to the Cross of Mission Schools and a decree was issued to halt the erection of the Sea Goddess statue in Sabah are plain betrayal of the Constitutions.

However in Kelantan, the statue of Buddha stands freely under PAS government. If the state of Perak is run by PAS then fairness will prevail. However, there is still reservation if PAS runs other states.

What is meant here is not solely reflected on the political party but the personality that represents the party matters most. So, what is it so bad about PAS and what is it so good about UMNO when it comes to religion?

Our fervent hope as Malaysians is to see the country is run with fairness and justice.

First and foremost, venality must be stopped, and it should start from the Barisan government to prove that it is the government of the people otherwise 1Malaysia will be just a humbug.

It is imperative for the government to look beyond colours, creeds and religions to sanctify true democracy.

Should there be a change of government? The answer is YES. It is because as a democratic country, Malaysians are actually having their freedom eroded gradually, and such freedom is actually a freedom in fetters.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Civil Society

Our politicians talk about the needs of a civil society, how the people’s collective action should voluntarily encompass around our shared interests, purposes and values.

We know that peace and prosperity cannot be achieved without partnerships involving Governments, international organizations, the business community and the civil society itself. In today’s world, we depend on each other to co-exist.

To my knowledge, civil society includes charities, neighbourhood self-help schemes, improving health, education and living-standards. But the most important of all is the human rights campaigns in a repressive society should be unbridled, to allow the people an avenue to their constitutional rights to vent their grievances.

By taking to the streets is not the answer, but a necessity when the people have exhausted all avenues available to them. When politicians from the government are faced with such a situation of, needs must when the devil drives, then mass arrest becomes inevitable.