Monday, December 14, 2009

Have We Learnt Enough?

It is not difficult to understand Malaysian politics, how it works, swaying with the people’s sentiment and making promises that are half empty most of the time.

In politics, power and money are the influencing factors and to be able to hold on tenaciously is the political clout that has been the norm of the ruling elites.

The complacent citizens insinuating that they are in good hands from the fair and just governance for the past five decades are actually paranoid. Whether we agree or otherwise, the two-party system for check and balance is ideal for Malaysia with a multi-racial make-up.

Waiting for the trees and wind to speak to us will not generate political awareness instead we have to make ourselves available by attending forums and political functions for the updates.

This is how we can use cues and the information that hold the general value orientations into support for the particular policies. This is best measured for political awareness in which many of us are still lacking. Such civic activity is definitely positive which purveys political awareness which is in a dire need.

To be able to arrive at a sound decision, people cannot be ignorant about the details of politics otherwise opinions will appear to be constrained by ideas. The willingness to get out of the comfort zone should prevail because without it, we will become the less aware voters who have disengaged from politics.

Which political party deserves our votes and which politician to support in order to realize what we expect of is imperative.

The man who wears a watch know the time, wears two is unsure. We have to be sure and use our prerogative to exercise that right otherwise we can blame no one else but ourselves.

The Barisan government had lost its firm grip to divide and rule since the last general election. Thanks to the previous prime minister for his ineptness. Like Pakatan Rakyat which had lost the state of Perak, the present prime minister has a task not to lose the federal government to the waiting Pakatan Rakyat to take over the federal government.

The game in the present political chessboard depends on the pawns for the checkmate. The people are the pawns – people’s power, kuasa rakyat or makkal sakti (call what you like) should be aligned for the coup de grace.

Seeing how injustice is practiced, my angry impulse was to stand in front of the firing line. But who cares if one life is lost when one after another the Indians had suffered the same fate and the screams for justice fell on deaf ears?

The greatest stumbling block lies in the different perspectives among the various NGOs and the people from the various communities.

Why the existing NGOs still draw a visible boundary to whom and why they should come in to support? Why can’t they be “there” to share the common objective – the objective that is to cut through racial line? Generally speaking, they are not ready except for their rhetorics!

As if it is not enough, the new political party Makkal Sakti emerged to champion the Indians right. Don’t we have enough of racism and political greed to witness the additional disguise?

The Chinese are perceived to be king of the economy who cared two hoots about what are happening politically, the Malays akin to civil service and the Indians are resigned as Bandar Raya workers. How pathetic it could be but sad to say that this is the general tone.

Until and unless Malaysians from different political parties and NGOs can tune to the same frequency of how they want Malaysia to be, then lets shut up and support IMalaysia!

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